Orthodontist FAQ’s

Welcome to Fulham Road Dental, your trusted dental practice in Fulham, London! We understand that orthodontic treatment can raise many questions, and we are here to provide you with answers. In this article, we will cover frequently asked questions about orthodontics to help you gain a better understanding of the treatment and its benefits.

What is Orthodontics?

Orthodontics is a specialised branch of dentistry that focuses on correcting irregularities in the alignment of teeth and jaws. The primary goal of orthodontic treatment is to improve the appearance, function, and health of your smile. Orthodontists are trained professionals who diagnose, prevent, and treat dental and facial irregularities using various orthodontic appliances.

What are the Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontic treatment offers numerous benefits, including:

  1. Improved Aesthetics: Correcting misaligned teeth can significantly enhance your smile and boost your self-confidence.
  2. Better Oral Health: Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and other dental issues.
  3. Enhanced Bite Function: Orthodontic treatment can improve your bite, reducing stress on jaw joints and preventing excessive wear on teeth.
  4. Speech Improvement: In some cases, orthodontics can help with speech impediments caused by misaligned teeth or jaws.
  5. Preventive Measure: Early orthodontic intervention can prevent more severe dental problems in the future.

What Types of Braces are Available?

There are several types of braces available to suit different needs and preferences:

  1. Traditional Metal Braces: These are the most common type of braces and consist of metal brackets and wires. They are highly effective and are a cost-effective option.
  2. Ceramic Braces: Ceramic braces are similar to traditional metal braces but use tooth-coloured or clear brackets that blend with your teeth for a more discreet appearance.
  3. Lingual Braces: These braces are placed on the backside of your teeth, making them virtually invisible from the front. They are an excellent option for those who desire a discreet treatment option.
  4. Clear Aligners: Clear aligners, like Invisalign, are removable trays that gradually move your teeth into the desired position. They are nearly invisible and offer more flexibility during treatment.

What is the Average Cost of Orthodontic Treatment?

The cost of orthodontic treatment can vary depending on the type of braces, the complexity of your case, and the duration of treatment. Generally, traditional metal braces are more affordable than other options. It’s best to consult with our orthodontist for a personalised treatment plan and cost estimate.

How Long Does Orthodontic Treatment Take?

The duration of orthodontic treatment varies from patient to patient and depends on the severity of the orthodontic issues. On average, treatment can take anywhere from several months to a few years. Compliance with the orthodontist’s instructions and regular dental visits can help ensure a successful outcome in the shortest possible time.

What is the Difference Between Orthodontics and Dentistry?

Orthodontics and dentistry are closely related but differ in their focus. Dentistry encompasses a broader range of oral health issues, including preventive care, restorative procedures, and overall oral health maintenance. Orthodontics, on the other hand, specialises in the alignment of teeth and jaws and focuses on correcting malocclusions.

How Often Should I Visit the Orthodontist?

During your orthodontic treatment, you will need regular visits to monitor progress and make adjustments. Typically, appointments are scheduled every 4 to 6 weeks, depending on your specific treatment plan.

What are the Different Types of Orthodontic Appliances?

Apart from braces, orthodontists use various appliances to correct dental and facial irregularities. Some common orthodontic appliances include:

  1. Retainers: After completing orthodontic treatment, retainers are used to maintain the new position of your teeth.
  2. Palatal Expanders: These devices are used to widen the upper jaw to correct crossbites and create more space for crowded teeth.


How Can I Prepare for My Orthodontic Appointment?

Before your orthodontic appointment, gather all necessary documents and dental records. Ensure you brush and floss your teeth thoroughly, and arrive on time for your appointment.

Are There Any Risks Involved with Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontic treatment is generally safe, but like any dental procedure, there are some risks involved. These may include tooth sensitivity, minor discomfort, and in rare cases, allergic reactions to certain materials. Our orthodontist will discuss potential risks and how to minimise them before starting your treatment.

What’s the Best Age for Braces?

Orthodontic treatment can be successful at any age. For children, early intervention (around the age of 7) can help guide the growth of the jaw and create space for incoming permanent teeth. However, adults and teenagers can also benefit from orthodontic treatment, and there is no upper age limit for getting braces.

Is 25 Too Late to Get Braces? Is 25 Too Old for Braces? Is it OK to Get Braces at 30?

No, it is not too late to get braces at 25 or 30, or any age beyond that. As long as your teeth and gums are healthy, you can consider orthodontic treatment. Many adults are opting for braces or clear aligners to achieve the smile they desire. Age should not be a barrier to improving your oral health and confidence.

Choosing the Right Orthodontist for Your Journey

When embarking on your orthodontic journey, selecting the right orthodontist is crucial to ensure the best results. At Fulham Road Dental, our team of skilled orthodontists combines expertise, state-of-the-art technology, and a personalised approach to deliver exceptional orthodontic care.

What to Expect During Your Orthodontic Consultation

Your first orthodontic consultation at Fulham Road Dental is an essential step in understanding your unique dental needs and treatment options. During this visit, our orthodontist will conduct a thorough examination of your teeth, gums, and jaw, and may take X-rays or impressions to assess your case accurately.

Based on the evaluation, the orthodontist will discuss the best treatment options available to address your specific concerns. They will explain the pros and cons of each option and help you make an informed decision about your orthodontic journey.

Tips for a Smooth Orthodontic Experience

  1. Maintain Excellent Oral Hygiene: Proper oral hygiene is crucial during orthodontic treatment. Brush and floss your teeth diligently, and consider using special orthodontic brushes or water flossers to clean hard-to-reach areas around braces.
  2. Follow Your Orthodontist’s Instructions: Your orthodontist will provide you with instructions on wearing and caring for your braces or aligners. Adhering to these guidelines is essential for achieving the best possible results.
  3. Attend Regular Check-ups: Keep up with your scheduled orthodontic appointments to ensure your treatment progresses as planned. These visits are an opportunity for the orthodontist to make any necessary adjustments and monitor your progress.
  4. Be Patient: Orthodontic treatment takes time, and results may not be immediate. Remember that the journey towards a beautiful smile is worth the wait.

Maintaining Your Smile After Treatment

Once your orthodontic treatment is complete, it’s important to maintain the results for years to come. Your orthodontist will provide you with retainers, which you should wear as directed to prevent your teeth from shifting back to their original positions. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are also essential for ongoing oral health.

Choosing Fulham Road Dental

At Fulham Road Dental, we are committed to helping you achieve a confident and healthy smile through personalised orthodontic treatment. Whether you are a child, teenager, or adult, our experienced orthodontists are here to guide you every step of the way. With a variety of treatment options available, including traditional braces, clear aligners, and more, we can tailor a plan that suits your lifestyle and needs.

Don’t let age or dental concerns hold you back from seeking orthodontic treatment. With our caring and skilled team, it’s never too late to improve your smile and boost your self-confidence. Take the first step towards a straighter, healthier smile by scheduling your orthodontic consultation at Fulham Road Dental today. Together, we can create a beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime.
